The 12-Year-Old Child Starved to Death on Occasion

Publish date: 2024-05-08

The parents of a 12-year-old kid who died of starvation face murder charges. It has been reported by Brogan Duhon’s neighbours that he is 12 years old and is constantly hungry since he is kept hidden from the world.

One of the neighbours stated:

“I don’t understand why anybody would treat a child like that.”

Several of Brogan’s neighbours told 7News that they were stunned to learn that he was only 12. The adults estimated the boy’s age to be between five and six.

Although we rarely saw him ourselves, our neighbours assured us that on the rare occasions they did, he always asked for food. A neighbour said Brogan complained constantly that he was being kept locked up and that his parents hadn’t fed him in days.

Neighbor Roxanne Zaunbrecher recalled, “He knocked on the door, I opened it, and he told me that he was hungry.” That’s when he sat down and I fed him.

Zaunbrecher claimed that Brogan’s mom, Jennifer Duhon, stopped by after she fed him, asking if she had called the police. Zaunbrecher added that this wasn’t the first time Brogan had visited her home looking for sustenance.

“I didn’t call anybody you know, but next thing I know, she [Jennifer Duhon] was here and she asked me if I had called the cops or OCS,” Zaunbrecher said. “I said no, I hadn’t called anybody. But he was hungry. She goes ‘well I feed him’. I say ‘well I understand that’. But he ate, he was so hungry.”

Adam and Jennifer Duhon, the boy’s adoptive parents, have been charged with second-degree murder following the discovery that the boy weighed only 28 pounds at the time of his death. He had been malnourished, and that led to his death, according to the autopsy.

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Woods said he gets that people don’t want to get involved or start fights with their neighbours, but in this case, someone had to speak up to save the child’s life.

“You don’t want to know my thoughts,” Woods said. “I’m very angry. You know it’s the old saying, ‘if you see something, say something’. Call authorities. Just don’t be ‘well I’m going to mind my own business’. If you see something say something.”

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