Gal Luft Net Worth: How worth is He

Publish date: 2024-05-08

An image of Gal Luft

Gal Luft is an American-Israeli energy expert, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, and a former whistleblower who claimed to have incriminating information about Hunter Biden.

He is also a prolific author, speaker, and consultant on energy and security issues.

But how much is he worth?

Sources of income

According to Net Worth Post1, Gal Luft has a net worth of $13 million as of 2023.1.

primary sources of income are:

salary as the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a think tank that focuses on the nexus between energy and security.

His fees as a speaker, consultant, and adviser on energy and security issues for various governments, organizations, and media outlets.

His royalties are from his books, articles, and reports on energy and security topics.

Some of his publications include Energy Security Challenges for the 21st Century, Turning Oil into Salt, and Petropoly: The Collapse of America’s Energy Security Paradigm.

The source of this information is 2.

Controversies and scandals

Gal Luft has also been involved in some controversies and scandals that may have affected his net worth and reputation.

Some of them are:

In 2022, he was reported missing in Cyprus after he claimed to have evidence of Hunter Biden’s involvement in corruption and money laundering in Ukraine and China.

He later resurfaced in Israel, saying he had escaped kidnappers who wanted to silence him.

In 2019, several scholars accused him of plagiarism, claiming he had copied their work without attribution in his book Petropoly.

He denied the allegations and said he had properly cited his sources.

In 2017, he was criticized by some environmentalists for promoting natural gas as a clean and secure alternative to oil and coal.

He argued that natural gas was a bridge fuel that could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy security.

The source of this information 3.

Personal life

Gal Luft is married to Anne Korin, who is also an energy expert and the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.

have two children together.

They live in Washington, D.C., where they run their think tank.

are also active supporters of Israel and its energy independence2.




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