Obituary of Shannon Wingfield, Bolivar Ohio, 6 people died after fatal car accident

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Tragic Accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County: The devastating incident that unfolded on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio has left the community in a state of deep sorrow. Shannon Wigfield, a victim of the accident, has become a poignant symbol of the human toll of this tragic event. As the community mourns the loss of Shannon and other victims, the investigation into the cause of the accident is underway, highlighting the urgent need for stricter road safety measures. This heart-wrenching story serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of prioritizing safety on our roads.

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Tragic Accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio

Tragic Accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio

The devastating incident that took place on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio has left the community in a state of profound grief and sorrow. The tragic accident, which occurred near Newark, has had a lasting impact on the residents, who are still coming to terms with the loss. This unfortunate event serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of prioritizing road safety.


On the fateful morning of November 15, 2023, a horrifying accident unfolded on the I-70 highway in Licking County, Ohio. The collision involved multiple vehicles, including a school bus carrying students and teachers from Tuscarawas Valley Middle School. The incident sent shockwaves through the community, leaving everyone devastated by the tragic loss of lives.

Victim: Shannon Wigfield

Among the victims of this heart-wrenching accident was Shannon Wigfield, a beloved member of the community. Shannon, a 16-year-old student, was seated near the back of the bus when the collision occurred. The news of Shannon’s untimely demise has left family, friends, and relatives in deep sorrow. Shannon was known for their kindness, cheerful nature, and dedication to their studies. Their absence has created a void that will be felt by all who knew them.

Details of the Accident

The tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio was a devastating event that unfolded in a matter of seconds, leaving a lasting impact on the community. The incident, which involved multiple vehicles, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for stricter measures to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Multi-Vehicle Collision

The accident on Interstate 70 was a harrowing multi-vehicle collision that occurred with alarming speed and force. Witnesses recall the terrifying moment when a cargo truck crashed into the back of a school bus carrying students and teachers from Tuscarawas Valley Middle School. The collision was so severe that both vehicles sustained extensive damage and erupted into flames, causing chaos and panic at the scene.

Casualties and Injuries

The aftermath of the accident was marked by tragedy and heartbreak as the community mourned the loss of lives. At least six people lost their lives in the accident, including three students from Tuscarawas Valley Area High School, a teacher, and two parents. In addition to the fatalities, fifteen other students and the bus driver sustained injuries and were rushed to nearby hospitals for treatment.

The impact of this devastating accident cannot be overstated. The loss of young lives and the injuries sustained by others have left a profound impact on the community. It is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the need for continuous efforts to improve road safety and prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Investigation and Cause of the Accident

Following the tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio, a thorough investigation was launched to determine the cause of the incident. Understanding the factors that led to this devastating event is crucial for preventing similar accidents in the future and ensuring the safety of all road users.

Initial Information and Investigation

Based on initial information from the Ohio State Highway Patrol, it is believed that the accident may have been caused by the truck driver losing control of their vehicle’s speed. This resulted in a series of collisions with the rear of the school bus, causing it to lose control and collide with other vehicles. However, further investigation is still underway to establish the exact cause and sequence of events leading up to the accident.

Local law enforcement and relevant authorities have been working diligently to gather evidence and statements from witnesses. They have also been examining data from dash cameras and vehicle recording devices, meticulously analyzing the crash site and collecting physical evidence. This comprehensive investigation aims to provide a clear understanding of the circumstances surrounding the accident.

NTSB Involvement and Preliminary Report

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has joined forces with local law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation into the accident. Their team of experienced investigators is collaborating closely with the authorities to gather and analyze data from the vehicles’ dash cameras and other sources. The NTSB’s involvement adds an additional layer of expertise and ensures a comprehensive examination of the incident.

The investigative team anticipates spending several days on-site, meticulously examining the evidence and gathering crucial information. Once the initial investigation is complete, a preliminary report will be released in the coming weeks. This report will provide initial insights into the cause of the accident, shedding light on the sequence of events leading up to the tragic incident. It will serve as a crucial step in the investigation process, paving the way for a more extensive examination of the incident.

By conducting a thorough investigation and releasing a preliminary report, the authorities aim to provide clarity and transparency regarding the cause of the accident. This information will not only bring closure to the affected families but also contribute to the development of measures and regulations that can prevent similar accidents in the future.

Community Response and Mourning

Community Response and Mourning

The tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio has deeply impacted the community, leading to an outpouring of support and collective mourning. In the face of such a devastating event, the community has come together to provide solace and strength to those affected, demonstrating the resilience and compassion that defines their spirit.

Emergency Prayer Vigil

In the immediate aftermath of the accident, the community organized an emergency prayer vigil at the Tuscarawas Valley High School stadium. Thousands of residents, parents, students, teachers, and school staff gathered to participate in this solemn ceremony. The atmosphere was filled with grief and shock as the names of each student and teacher who lost their lives in the accident were read aloud by the school principal. Tears flowed freely, and people sought comfort in each other’s embrace, finding solace in their shared sorrow.

Impact on Families and Community

The tragic accident has left an indelible mark on the families of the victims, as well as the wider community. The loss of cherished family members, beloved citizens, and promising young talents has created a void that can never be filled. The pain and grief experienced by the families and the community as a whole are immeasurable.

During this difficult time, it is important for the community to come together and provide support to those who have been affected by the tragedy. Acts of kindness, empathy, and understanding can go a long way in helping the families and the community heal. It is through unity and compassion that the community can find strength and resilience in the face of such profound loss.

Law Enforcement’s Investigation and Lessons Learned

Following the tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio, law enforcement agencies swiftly initiated an investigation to determine the cause of the incident. The investigation process aims to uncover the truth, assign responsibility, and draw valuable lessons that can prevent similar accidents in the future. It is a crucial step towards ensuring the safety of all road users.

Investigation Process

Local law enforcement, in collaboration with relevant authorities, has deployed a team of seasoned investigators to meticulously examine the evidence and gather information. They have been collecting statements from witnesses, analyzing data from dash cameras and vehicle recording devices, and thoroughly examining the crash site. Every detail, from debris to bloodstains, is being carefully examined to reconstruct the sequence of events leading up to the accident.

The investigation process is being conducted with utmost urgency and professionalism, given the severity of the accident. The goal is to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation, ensuring that all parties involved are held accountable for their actions. By uncovering the truth, the investigation aims to bring closure to the affected families and provide a foundation for implementing measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Importance of Road Safety

The tragic accident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for stricter measures to protect human lives. It highlights the devastating consequences that can arise from a single moment of negligence or recklessness. As individuals, we must enhance our awareness and responsibility when participating in traffic. Adhering to regulations, driving at designated speeds, and avoiding driving under the influence of alcohol are essential steps in ensuring the safety of ourselves and others on the road.

Simultaneously, authorities play a crucial role in implementing and enforcing road safety measures. The lessons learned from this tragic accident should prompt a reevaluation of existing regulations and the development of new strategies to prevent similar incidents. By prioritizing road safety and implementing stricter measures, we can work towards creating a safer environment for all road users.


The tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio has left a lasting impact on the community, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of prioritizing road safety. As we reflect on this devastating event, it is crucial that we take away valuable lessons and foster a greater awareness of the need for responsible and safe driving practices.

Reflection on the Accident and Road Safety Awareness

This heartbreaking accident serves as a somber reminder of the consequences that can arise from a single moment of negligence or recklessness on the road. It compels us to reflect on our own driving habits and the choices we make behind the wheel. We must recognize that our actions have a direct impact on the safety of ourselves and others.

By raising road safety awareness, we can work towards creating a culture of responsible driving. This involves adhering to traffic regulations, driving at appropriate speeds, avoiding distractions, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It also means being vigilant and considerate of other road users, practicing defensive driving, and maintaining our vehicles in proper working condition.

Furthermore, it is essential for authorities to continuously evaluate and improve road safety measures. This includes investing in infrastructure enhancements, implementing stricter regulations, and providing education and resources to promote safe driving practices. By prioritizing road safety at all levels, we can strive towards preventing similar tragic accidents and ensuring the well-being of everyone on the road.

Let us honor the memory of those affected by this devastating accident by committing ourselves to be responsible and conscientious drivers. Together, we can create a safer and more compassionate road environment for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

The tragic accident on Interstate 70 in Licking County, Ohio has left the community in mourning. Shannon Wigfield, a victim of the accident, has become a symbol of the human toll of this unfortunate event. The collision involved a bus carrying students and teachers from Tuscarawas Valley Middle School, resulting in multiple casualties and injuries. The cause of the accident is still under investigation by the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the National Transportation Safety Board. This devastating incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for stricter measures to prevent similar accidents in the future. Let us all cherish life and prioritize safety on the roads. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families, and the entire community affected by this tragedy.
