Video of Man Crying After Paying Massive Bill at Groove Leaves SA in Hysterics

Publish date: 2024-05-03

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South African online users could not help but crack up in laughter after watching a video of a grown man suffering the consequences of his “big spender energy” during a fun night out.

The video shows the man handed a bill of a large amount which is not easy to make out but is surely in the high thousands. He makes the payment and in a second clip, he is seen holding back tears in the car as his friends laugh at him.

The video was posted by popular social media user @kulanicool recently and had over 14.9K views at the time of publication.

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Tweeps shared their funny reactions to the post:

@Chilesh71951450 reacted:

“7K gone...Amapiano yona continues playing.”

@PlatinumNatique replied:

“It's R47k.”

@Asifimshort2 wrote:

“Leave Konka alone guys.”

@thera_mgculo said:

“There are 2 different clips here, the 1st 1 of that guy paying and the 2nd 1 of the guy crying. I know the story of the 2nd guy that is crying, he was dumped by his girlfriend over the phone on the way to pick up her and she told the guy she's not available.”

@elder_zagga commented:

“Real men cry on the inside. They just make a little sound and show tears.”

@Ngoako2030 responded:

“Can he really cry for R7k mara? That's nothing.”

@Nhluvuko_S reacted:

“Chest pain ya konaa!”

Peep spends R1M at a nightclub, Mzansi thinks it’s money laundering

Briefly News previously reported that one super huge alcohol cheque has left South Africans suspicious. The bill came up to a massive R1 million and had peeps really confused as to how anyone could spend that much on drinks in just one night.

Heading to his Twitter account, popular Twitter user @kulanicool shared the picture. Including on the cheque are 100 bottles of Rose valued at R1 MILLION, 50 bottles of Veuve Rich valued at R120 000, and 3 bottles of Glenfiddich valued at R285 000.

Naturally, peeps had a lot to say in the comments section. Many were convinced some super shady money-laundering scheme was at play:

@SirUrbanSoul said:

"Obviously, they’re not spending their money, more like just watching it."
