60+ cheesy pizza jokes that will put a smile on your face

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Pizza is one of the most common foods around the world. There is plenty to love about it, including its wide varieties and topping options. But what is even better, is enjoying every bite as you share a few cheesy pizza jokes around the table. Here are a few ideas to impress your loved ones next time you are enjoying this delicious food.

Did you know that you could make your pizza party even more interesting by sharing cheese pizza jokes or funny pizza name puns? Indeed, you can! Such jokes lighten the mood and give everyone present a good giggle. Here is an inspirational list with some of these jokes.

Cheesy pizza jokes

When everything around you seems chaotic, the best thing to do is look for something to lighten the mood. These jokes about pizza seal the deal!

  • Why does the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties? Because he is such a fungi!
  • What did the pizza slicer say when he wanted to rob the pizza? Hand over the dough or I’ll cut you!
  • Why did the hipster burn his mouth while eating his pizza? He ate it way before it was cool.
  • What do you call a person who can’t decide what kind of pizza to order? IndeSLICEsive
  • Where do pepperonis go on vacation? The Leaning Tower of Pizza.
  • What’s the difference between a good pizza joke and a bad one? The delivery.
  • 7. I’m going to open a restaurant that only serves crabs and pizza. I’ll call it the Crust Station.

    8. What did the pizza say to the delivery guy? You do not pepper-own me.

    9. Did you hear about the Italian chef with the terminal illness? He pastaway. Now he’s just a pizza history.

    10. What does a piece of pizza say when they want to cuddle? Fold me close!

    11. What do pizzas say to express love? Olive you.

    12. What did the pepperoni say to the cheese? Slice to meat you!

    13. What did the Dalai Lama say when he walked into a pizza parlor? He says, “Make me one with everything.”

    14. What type of person doesn’t like pizza? A weir-dough.

    15. What did the kid say after eating a frozen pizza? Well, that wasn’t very thawed out.

    16. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Pete... Pete who? Pete-za – but you took so long, I’ve already eaten it!

    17. Why was the pizzeria desperate for business? Because they kneaded the dough!

    18. What did the boss tell his pizza during their meeting? There’s mushroom for improvement.

    19. What is pizza’s favorite Hollywood movie? Pie Hard.

    20. Why was the pizza chef happy when they didn’t have to work? They had more thyme to spend with their kids.

    21. The best pizza I ever had was just a plain dough base; nothing topped that.

    22. Did you read the new pizza shop slogan? 7 days without a pizza makes one weak!

    23. The last supper artwork by Da Vinci is really a fantastic pizza work.

    24. What do you call a sleeping pizza? PiZZZZZZZZZZa

    25. What kind of pizza do you order on Christmas? Cheeses Crust.

    Hilarious puns about pizza

    Whether you are a pizza lover or not, these funny pizza jokes and puns will leave your ribs cracking. Check them out!

    26. Why was the rich pizza stressed? He was being chased by pepperazis.

    27. What do anteaters like on their pizza? Ant-chovies

    28. What would be the name of God if the entire church is made up of cheese pizza? Chesus Christ.

    29. A pizza asks a topping out on a date and says: "I’ve never sausage a beautiful face."

    30. What is the favorite song of the maker of this flatbread? Slice, Slice Baby.

    31. I have been trying to write a new pizza pun, but I can’t work out the delivery.

    32. What is a dog’s favorite pizza topping? Pupperoni.

    33. How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste.

    34. No veggies? I do what I want. You don’t pepper-own-me.

    35. What did one pizza say to another who was boasting about its taste? Don’t be too saucy.

    36. How do you know you are in love? If they steal a pizza your heart!

    37. What does a pizza say when he needs some love? Fold me close.

    38. What cheese do dogs love on their pizza? Muttzarella.

    39. What does a pizza wear to smell good? Calzogne.

    40. I fell asleep with a pizza in the oven today. Burned 2000 calories.

    41. What did Parmesan say when it broke up with mozzarella? I’m sorry, I’m too mature for you.

    42. Why was the Hawaiian pizza not cooked? The oven was on aloha temperature.

    43. Waiter, will my pizza be long? No sir, it will be round!

    Dough Jokes

    Here are some funny pizza dough puns to put a smile on your face today.

    44. An unconscious pizza maker was admitted to the hospital. They called him John Dough.

    45. What did the yeast confess to the bag of flour? I loaf you dough much!

    46. I a-dough you!

    47. What did the lonely ball of dough say? No one kneads me.

    48. What did the baker say when he found his lost dough? That’s exactly what I kneaded!

    49. Did you hear about the guy that stopped a robbery at his favorite bargain pizza place? He wanted to save some dough.

    50. What did the dough say to the rolling pin after receiving a compliment? You flatter me.

    51. Why is dough another word for money? Because everyone kneads it.

    52. What did the Gen Z baker yell when he tossed the dough? YEEST

    Pepperoni pizza puns

    Here are some pepperoni puns for the pepperoni lovers.

    53. I bribed my friends into helping me move by buying an extra-large stuffed crust pepperoni. I call it “influen-za.”

    54. What type of pizza has a single slice of pepperoni on the top of it? Pepperlonely.

    55. What did the pepperoni say to the pizza? Nice to meat you.

    56. The doctor told me to watch what I eat if I wanted to lose weight. I stare at my extra-large pepperoni pizza with a Diet Coke for at least an hour before I scarf it down, and I haven't lost a pound.

    57. What do you call a pepperoni in a bunker? A prepperoni.

    Pizza dad jokes

    Check out these hilarious jokes that will leave your family rolling on the floor with laughter:

    58. Where does a tired dad order pizza from? Papa Yawns.

    59. Why did dad cut his pizza with a smartphone? It’s cutting edge technology.

    60. What do you call a dad who eats a lot of pepperoni pizza? A Papaeroni.

    61. We followed my dad's deathbed wish and buried him covered in baked flour, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni. R.I.P. dad, Rest In Pizza.

    Have you been looking for cheesy pizza jokes to lift the spirits during dinner or your pizza party? If so, then these jokes will have you rolling on the floor.

    READ ALSO: 100+ entitled Karen jokes, posts, and memes that will keep you rolling on the floor

    We shared a post with over 100 entitled Karen jokes, posts, and memes to crack your ribs. Karen is a name used in recent times to refer to a lady who pokes herself into other people’s business.

    Over time, people have creatively written several Karen jokes and memes that are bound to have you rolling on the floor. But while these jokes can amuse you, you must be careful about who you share them with, for some might term them offensive. Check them out.
