Meet the man who wears suit and tie along with briefcase to sell bofrot

Publish date: 2024-05-03

- A man believed to be Ghanaian has been spotted donning a suit and tie to sell buffloaf

- The man's impressive outfit caught the attention of a woman who called to buy from him

- The woman captured the man on camera as he sold to her

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A businessman believed to be Ghanaian has been captured on camera rocking a suit and tie to sell buffloaf, popularly known as bofrot.

The man who was neatly attired was spotted by a woman in her vicinity, who called to buy from him.

Impressed by how the man had branded himself as he carried along with him a briefcase, the woman videoed him as he approached her.

In the clip making the rounds on social media, the woman could be heard running commentary saying the briefcase had a pen, a notebook, and rubber bags for packaging the bofrot.

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Watch the video below.

Earlier, Briefly News reported that a photo of a UK store has gone viral after a tweep with Twitter handle @coleenmensa said the shop is offering suit for free hire.

The offer is, however, directed at job applicants who have an interview to attend and is meant to be returned within 24 hours.

@coleenmensa revealed that the free service is given at a store called H&M at Westfield in the UK. She, however, said she does not know if the same is obtainable at their different branches.

A photo showing the suit is placed in a show glass that has "24hr free suit hire for your job interview."

In other news, technology is not only meeting needs but it is fast bridging the gaps between science fiction and reality. The British Royal Navy and Royal Marines may soon be getting an upgrade that could make their officers ‘superhumans’.

CNN reports that the force tested a jet suit developed by Gravity Industries. The gadget allows individuals wearing it to fly in the air up to 12,000 feet at the speed of 80 mph.

A video showing the trial has a soldier who has the jet pack flying off a ship. According to the media, when in proper use, the body gadget will allow soldiers to be able to quickly board planes in dangerous zones.

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